Wednesday 18 January 2017

Introduction to The Drama Series!

I consider myself to be a strong advocate for the arts, so I thought it would be beneficial to share my experiences within my Drama Education class at Brock University and how they can be applied within the classroom both as drama lessons, and cross curricular. I have created what I refer to as “The Drama Series” which lists five drama strategies that can be utilized within the classroom. The Arts are absolutely essential, transformative mediums within the learning environment because of their effects on student motivation and achievement (Hartle, Pinciotti & Gorton, 2015). According to the Arts Education Partnership (2013), educators who integrate the arts into the curriculum find that they are better equipped to meet the needs of all students, but results are particularly robust with disenfranchised students (Hartle et al., 2015). Therefore, the arts can be a powerful tool to close the gap between learners, but also increase the creative and critical thinking skills for non-exceptional students.


Hartle, L., Pinciotti, P., & Gorton, R. (2015). ArtsIN: Arts integration and infusion framework. Early childhood 
       Education, 43, 289-298. doi:10.1007/s10643-014-0636-7

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